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2020 Vision
Who else is excited that we’re not only starting a new year, but also a new decade? The 2010s definitely taught me a lot, but I feel like they were more about laying the foundation for my future and 2020 is where it all starts coming together. I made significant progress toward my goals over the last year, so I’ve decided that my focus word for this one is going to be VISION. My 2020 vision is all about publishing my debut novel and finally achieving a life goal that I started 19 years ago.
Goal #1
Publish my book! This is the big one, and this is the year it finally happens. I’ve had to adjust my personal deadlines a number of times due to unavoidable circumstances, but I should be able to announce my planned release date in the next month or two. I have 2 dates in mind but the first is seeming less possible based on the number of things I have to catch up on, so it’ll likely be the latter date. I hope to be able to settle the matter soon.
Goal #2
Maintain working devices! Half of my trouble last year came from a computer that crashed every other day and ran at the pace of a snail in molasses. My phone also had numerous problems which made it difficult stay active on social media or even check email most of the time. Both managed to completely quit on me within 12 hours of each other and I was cut off from the internet and writing my book for a lot longer than I was comfortable. I had all my work backed up, but I couldn’t even look at it in order to continue on by hand. It’s kinda hard to stick to a schedule when you can’t access your work.
Goal #3
Writerly planners! Last year, I created a few journals for thoughts, planning, drafting, etc, and I’d like to expand on those ideas this year by creating an actual planner of some kind. I always have such a difficult time finding a planner that works well for me, which is why I created my bullet journals, so I think it would be a fun experience to see if I can come up with something that’s geared more towards writers. As soon as I have some free time, I plan to explore this idea further. In the meantime, check out my shop for the links to my journals that are available on Amazon!
Goal #4
Create a book trailer! I’ve been playing around with some editing software to find something that will work for the type of video I have in mind and I’ve already put together a rough outline. I’ll be able to finish it once I’m done with developmental edits, but the demo video gives me a little thrill whenever I play it. It’s such a fun thing to see my book coming to life! Marketing in general may be a bit daunting, but I think I’m going to have fun with this part.
Goal #5
Read more books! I read quite a lot last year, but most of it wasn’t fiction. I read a lot of craft books and internet articles that were pertinent to the projects I’ve been working on, and I didn’t log most of the books. Even though I didn’t reach my 2019 goal, I set this year’s Goodreads goal at 36 books. I wanted to try for one book a week, but I knew some weeks would be too busy to start/finish a full book. Eventually, I hope to have enough time to read more than one a week, but for now it’s baby steps.
Goal #6
Finish the last bit of the first draft of Book Two and start drafting Book Three! Most of this goal depends on how quickly I can finish the first book. If I manage to publish on the earlier date, I should be able to accomplish this one. If it’s the latter release date, I expect that I will only finish the Book Two draft and outline Book Three.
All in all, it promises to be a productive year and I’m reasonably confident that most of my 2020 vision will be accomplished. I’m certainly excited to finish editing my book and begin the final steps towards publication.