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viverra, lorem lacus.

My Goals for 2019
How are we already a month into 2019?! December flew by faster than I would have thought possible and now January is almost over! I’ve been busy planning out my year, breaking down my goals into manageable tasks, and building habits in preparation for everything that I need to do. I may have added more to my list than I’ll be able to accomplish but I’m dreaming big this year. However it turns out, here are the goals that I’m going to be prioritizing in 2019.
Goal #1
My number one goal this year is to finish writing (and editing) my debut novel and publish it. 2018 contained a few surprises that set me back on my goals, but I still managed to write nearly 2 full drafts of the first 2 books in my trilogy. I’ve got my fingers crossed for smooth sailing in this first part of 2019 so that I can get the first book done and finally share more details about it with everyone. This goal will take precedence over all of the others.
Goal #2
My second goal is to participate in Camp Nano in July and finish my draft of Book #2. Then, I plan to have it edited before NaNoWriMo in November. In order for this to happen, I really have to stay on top of my schedule because there’s very little room for slacking off. Everything depends on whether or not I’ve completely finished the first book. I do see this as being an achievable goal since I have been pretty productive during past NaNoWriMo stints, but timing is still going to be important.
Goal #3
The next goal is to draft the third book in my trilogy during NaNoWriMo. I’m not entirely sure that I’ll be able to fit the first draft in 50,000 words, but I’m going to do my best. I definitely need to learn how to draft quickly this year if I want to get the whole thing done within the confines of November. I’ll also need to have my outline and as much of my research done as possible in October. I think this is the part that I’m most worried about since I’m not sure that I’ll have enough time to prep this book properly. It will depend on how well I manage my first two goals.
Goal #4
My reading goal this year is 30 books. I failed miserably with my 2018 Goodreads challenge, but I still read more than I had in the previous 2 years combined. There used to be a time where I read a minimum of 2 books per week, but I haven’t been able to do that for a few years now. Chronic illness/brain fog made it difficult to focus and I wasn’t able to finish a single book for 2 full years. (It was torture.) I hope to continue to ease myself back into reading with a slightly higher goal than last year, and to actually complete it this time.
Goals #5
My last major goal for the year is to be more active on social media, and to regularly post to my blog. Last year, I worked really hard behind the scenes to get everything started. Now, 2019 is about following through, staying consistent, and connecting with people. I’m definitely an introvert, so talking with strangers online isn’t something that I’m naturally comfortable with, but I want to step out of my comfort zone a bit more this year. I love the writing community, and it would be wonderful to chat with other readers as well.
I do have several more goals on my list, but I’m holding those closer to the chest for now. I’ll share them later on if/when it seems likely that I can tackle them. There are so many things that go into self publishing, and my start up list feels like it stretches on forever right now. I’ve got more habits to build, skills to learn, projects to complete, and words to write. It does feel a bit overwhelming, but I’m excited to see how much I can do. In the meantime, here’s my three big resolutions for the year:
#1 – I definitely would like to be more organized this year, so this is a habit that I’ll be avidly working on. I’ve got my planners and notebooks full and I plan on spending part of everyday in them. I’ve always been good at writing down what I need to do each week, but I don’t always remember to check things off. I keep a rough idea in my head, but usually forget things by not referring to my lists everyday. I think this will be the most important habit that I build on this year.
#2 – My next resolution is to spend more time in nature. I want to prioritize my photography, see some new places, and give my body some exercise and fresh air. Perhaps I’ll take my writing with me for some focused work away from technological distractions. I spent 2018 either glued to my desk, or stuck inside due to chronic pain. Needless to say, I’m a bit stir crazy and ready to be free once winter is over.
#3 – And, finally, my last resolution is to relax a little bit and enjoy the process. It’s so easy to get stressed out with everything that needs to be done and I sometimes forget to appreciate the journey. Each step that I complete is a reason to be satisfied, happy, proud, etc, and I need to remember that in the moment.
I hope everyone has had a productive beginning to the year and is successfully checking things off their own lists. Good luck with any new goals you’ve set!
*Photo by Emma Matthews on Unsplash