Donec efficitur, ligula ut lacinia
viverra, lorem lacus.

Category Goals

2025 New Year Goals Header

My Goals for 2025

I'm a little late in sharing my goals for the new year but I'm happy to say that I finally completed my long needed website revamp at the end of January! I had started working on a more cohesive look for the site back in October in between my writing time and other responsibilities, and I was close to having it all done at the end of 2024, but our household came down with one of those bugs that hangs around for weeks and my progress slowed to a crawl.
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Camp Nano and Updates

Camp Nano + Updates I won Camp Nano! Kinda… April did NOT go as planned (When does it ever?) due to quarantine homeschooling. Teachers, parents, and students were kept busy working out an entirely new system of education and, naturally, there was a learning curve. I barely wrote anything for a couple of weeks because I was focused on helping…

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2020 Vision

2020 Vision Who else is excited that we’re not only starting a new year, but also a new decade? The 2010s definitely taught me a lot, but I feel like they were more about laying the foundation for my future and 2020 is where it all starts coming together. I made significant progress toward my goals over the last year,…

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My Goals for 2019

My Goals for 2019 How are we already a month into 2019?! December flew by faster than I would have thought possible and now January is almost over! I’ve been busy planning out my year, breaking down my goals into manageable tasks, and building habits in preparation for everything that I need to do. I may have added more to…

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